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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Food & Cooking

After working through Alice Waters' The Art of Simple Food, I'm ready for more complicated recipes.  I recall when I had worked through a lot of "How to Cook Everything", and found items difficult.  Now they are simple and easy to do, and I often refer to my Mark Bittman cookbook in a bind.  Today I made a classic Swiss Chard Frittata, and I am proud to say that my $40 investment in the Wusthof spatula has paid off in spades.  I flipped the frittata without having to transfer anything onto a dish.  To top it off, partly because of the nonstick nature of my seasoned pan, and partly because of the thin edge of my spatula, I was able to cut the frittata in half and flip each half without so much as breaking the frittata.  I was impressed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!! This time of year kitchen equipment is turning into an avalance. I'm certainly going to take your idea and run with it. Thank you...

Cooking Equipment